To build a mark that represents the city; the culture, people, and attractions.
Experimenting with geometric forms and textures that are seen in the imagery we were able to find through our research. This includes monasteries, tourist photos, and the general history of the city.
The shapes twisted together represent the cultures intertwining, while the circle symbolizes peace. Together it is a representation of how they still manage to find peace as the city rapidly grows and, in some areas, through poverty.
An old-style serif type was key to bringing out the long history of the city. We debated on having just the logo represent the deep-rooted history, but a couple of laps later we knew that it would have to be in the type as well so we went with LTC Italian Old Style. Then to support, Neue Kabel was a good fit that didn’t distract from the name of the city, while representing its modernization and rapid growth.
The colors were inspired by the city's biggest tourist attraction, the Blue Nile Falls and Blue Nile River. The river and falls are important to the endemic fauna and people that live there. The green is to represent the nature aspect of the environment and tranquility. The gold is seen in the environment as well, but it also represents the wisdom that comes with the city’s history.